Bank holidays and warm summer nights often mean relaxing and sharing time with family and friends, perhaps over a drink or two.
However, for some, like those in recovery, these social occasions can be an especially challenging time of year with varying degrees of stress.
Read our top tips for success as we approach Easter and two May bank holidays.
Top tips
1. Put the money you would have spent on alcohol away for a treat at the end of the month. If you buy three bottles of wine a week, you're set to save £84.
2. Get sponsored so you can raise money for a local charity. You can also get friends and family involved for extra support. This means you're doing good while feeling good.
3. Use a diary to record how you're feeling each day. Alcohol is a depressant so a month without it will significantly improve your mental health.
4. Start a gym subscription to really see and feel the benefits. Exercising will further improve your mental and physical health and with the lighter nights, you could boost your energy levels further with an evening walk or even a run!
Getting active
It's no secret that being active is great for your physical and mental health. Nobody is expecting you to run a marathon (unless that's your thing) but even starting as small as a 10-minute walk a day is beneficial. Here are a few ideas you can start with...
A winter walk - get the trainers or walking boots out and explore some of the beautiful walks around Derbyshire. With the longer days and lighter nights, we can hope for some better weather too!
Fitness at home - if you would rather stay in, why not try a home workout. From cardio to yoga, there are loads of workout routines online.
Try a new hobby - ever wanted to try skiing? Snowboarding? Ice skating? Why not! Get fit, have fun and gain a new skill to take into next year.